Sunday 3 August 2014

The Light at the End of the Tunnel...

We still have a ways to go but we will meet our mark for our camping trip with Joel and Caro although our cupboards might not be in and the trim of the trailer might not be done. 

So far we have the roof finished and  the wiring for the brakes and turn signals is done  AND WORKS!!!

Yesterday Rick worked on the outside of the trailer filling screws with plastic wood and working on the joints.  (not the kind that one smokes but one would be nice now if  one partook in that stuff!

I worked on insulation and some painting.  We got the first coat of paint on.  Rick says that this will help us find the flaws and inconsistencies so that we can fix them. 

Rick has been absolutely amazing!  All our neighbours are anxious to see the finished product.

Well here are some photos or this progress:

 Rick did the wiring to the car and everything worked the first time!!

Working on insulation.  Rick wanted to use fiberglass because the 
other insulation if goes on fire the smoke is toxic.

As you can see we finished the roof.  
Rick worked on waterproofing the seams 
and I worked on insulation.
Looking good!
No it is not a skylight, this is where our Fantastic Fan is going.
We put handles on the trailer to be able to move it with more ease.
Still so much more work to do...  until next time!  Hugs!

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